Thursday, 18 March 2010
Freelancing and More
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Flexible working - can the SME Sector cope?
Recently the UK government gave the green light to legislation that extends the rights for a greater number of employees to request flexible working hours. The objective is to allow employees a better work life balance and improve family cohesion. Noble sentiments you might say that the government hopes to take away the pressure of conflicting work and home commitments especially with a growing percentage of women in the workplace. But at what cost?
Thursday, 11 March 2010
How Google marketed itself
Home business asscociated with AOL
Monday, 8 March 2010
What You Need To Know To Succeed in Mobile Advertising
In November 2009, AdMob released a report indicating that iPhone and Android users currently account for 82% of US mobile web traffic. There's no doubt that the two platforms have radically changed mobile advertising.
Here are the things you need to know about how iPhone and Android have changed mobile advertising and why you, as a job seeker or marketer, need to make the call now.
Your customers are on more than one carrier – A complete mobile marketing strategy must consider reaching audiences subscribed with all the various mobile carriers (e.g., Verizon, O2, Orange, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile).
Marketing begins and ends with numbers - The mobile marketing platform has lagged behind the web in terms of the ability to provide advertisers with critical metrics and control to measure and optimize their ad campaigns. Read More --->
Tax headaches with your affiliates
Monday, 1 March 2010
The myth of work/life balance
Another day, another article or blog about the ever-elusive work/life balance. The problem with work/life balance? It doesn’t exist. It’s a black and white term that doesn’t acknowledge the grey of life and serves only as eternal fodder for the media and puts continual pressure on people trying desperately to achieve it.
Think about what the term ‘balance’ means to you. Are you picturing a pair of scales with equal amounts in each dish? The definition of balance in is ‘a state of equilibrium or equipoise’. Is this what you’re trying to achieve in your life?
Check out our blog about flexible working for parents