Loving this. Attention all wordpress'ers
Friday, 12 November 2010
Authority Pro
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Moms and Dads looking to bring one work at home parent to stay with their children in an age when 2 incomes are vital for a family's survival are finding their inspiration through activist and motivator, Ally Loprete, your radio host of This Little Parent Stayed Home. A weekly radio show on Toginet.com, Fridays at 6pm EST or available to download on iTunes, This Little Parent... takes a fresh and straight forward approach to helping moms and dads to realize that there is a better and more economical way. No other program dares to be as brutally honest about what to expect, yet inspires us to take the boldest risks of our lives. This is a truly realistic, no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is method that will have you laughing and crying, surviving while struggling, and hammering away at the hardships as you travel through one of the greatest journeys of your life. Get empowered by joining thousands of other parents who have also decided to take a leap of faith into a double career with longer hours and half the pay simply because of the love they have for their children.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Freelancing and More
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Flexible working - can the SME Sector cope?
Recently the UK government gave the green light to legislation that extends the rights for a greater number of employees to request flexible working hours. The objective is to allow employees a better work life balance and improve family cohesion. Noble sentiments you might say that the government hopes to take away the pressure of conflicting work and home commitments especially with a growing percentage of women in the workplace. But at what cost?
Thursday, 11 March 2010
How Google marketed itself
Home business asscociated with AOL
Monday, 8 March 2010
What You Need To Know To Succeed in Mobile Advertising
In November 2009, AdMob released a report indicating that iPhone and Android users currently account for 82% of US mobile web traffic. There's no doubt that the two platforms have radically changed mobile advertising.
Here are the things you need to know about how iPhone and Android have changed mobile advertising and why you, as a job seeker or marketer, need to make the call now.
Your customers are on more than one carrier – A complete mobile marketing strategy must consider reaching audiences subscribed with all the various mobile carriers (e.g., Verizon, O2, Orange, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile).
Marketing begins and ends with numbers - The mobile marketing platform has lagged behind the web in terms of the ability to provide advertisers with critical metrics and control to measure and optimize their ad campaigns. Read More --->
Tax headaches with your affiliates
Monday, 1 March 2010
The myth of work/life balance
Another day, another article or blog about the ever-elusive work/life balance. The problem with work/life balance? It doesn’t exist. It’s a black and white term that doesn’t acknowledge the grey of life and serves only as eternal fodder for the media and puts continual pressure on people trying desperately to achieve it.
Think about what the term ‘balance’ means to you. Are you picturing a pair of scales with equal amounts in each dish? The definition of balance in Dictionary.com is ‘a state of equilibrium or equipoise’. Is this what you’re trying to achieve in your life?
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsThursday, 11 February 2010
Family Leave Insurance – Really?
President Obama has slipped a little gem into his proposed budget - family leave insurance.
Having a baby is a leading cause of poverty traps in the USA, the extra cost combined with time off can cause a down spiral that can put families over the poverty line. What Obama proposes is a fund that would help states launch family leave insurance programs by covering start up costs, and it's a big deal for the economic security of America's families.
Paid family leave helps stop family poverty before it starts by offering a bridge of economic security when parents must take time off after a new child arrives. With family leave insurance in place, new parents receive pay via the insurance fund when they take the essential time to adjust to a new child and recover from childbirth.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Online Video Marketing – Nothing Works Better…And Here’s How!
Anyone that's a member or reads the blog knows that I occassionally have a spirt of tech play and create a video to show a process or method that I use to promote, build or start a home business.
These videos are pretty bad, I admit it, but they're only there as a 'how to', simply to inform, they don't need to look good.
However, if you're trying to sell a product or service via online video Andy Jenkins just released a new "Video Series" TODAY - and it's going to melt your brain and ignite your imagination - and tickle other unmentionable areas...
Here's something Andy's shown over and over: Online Video Marketing GETS MORE MONEY than ANYTHING. Period. And in these videos, you'll see the simple little techniques that have literally raised the bar of how people do Video Marketing.
Part 1 of Andy Jenkins' new "Video Boss" series got OVER 800 comments from folks who AGREE we NEED video to continue to thrive online.
Andy obviously listens because today he released a Five-Step Formula he calls "Little Boss"... for FREE!
No script, no problem.
Face "made for radio"?
No need to get on EITHER side of a camera!
That's right, if you're on a computer that can read this post, chances are that is all you need to FINISH your first attention-arresting, sale-getting, cash-collecting Video.
Ready to revolutionize and future-proof the way you market you products and services?
Learn how, right now, right here.
Related Online Video Marketing Articles...
Video Marketing Tips – A 5 Step Video Marketing Strategy ...
If you want to discover video marketing tips, then read this now. You will find tips on how to make money online with a proven video marketing strategy. So, let.
Online Video Views are Not “Lost” on ABC.com : How to Make Money ...
Online Video Views are Not “Lost” on ABC.com. February 9, 2010 · Print this article, Visited 24 times, 24 so far today. Last Tuesday, the season premiere of the hit television show "Lost" aired, and not only was it watched by over 12 ...
Related articles...
- Context is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online (techcrunch.com)
- Steve Garfield Shares His Secrets To Creating Online Video In His New Book "Get Seen" (laughingsquid.com)
- Create a Video for Business or Fun at animoto.com (techtalkformoms.com)
Online Video Marketing – Nothing Works Better…And Here’s How!
Anyone that's a member or reads the blog knows that I occassionally have a spirt of tech play and create a video to show a process or method that I use to promote, build or start a home business.
These videos are pretty bad, I admit it, but they're only there as a 'how to', simply to inform, they don't need to look good.
However, if you're trying to sell a product or service via online video Andy Jenkins just released a new "Video Series" TODAY - and it's going to melt your brain and ignite your imagination - and tickle other unmentionable areas...
Here's something Andy's shown over and over: Online Video Marketing GETS MORE MONEY than ANYTHING. Period. And in these videos, you'll see the simple little techniques that have literally raised the bar of how people do Video Marketing.
Part 1 of Andy Jenkins' new "Video Boss" series got OVER 800 comments from folks who AGREE we NEED video to continue to thrive online.
Andy obviously listens because today he released a Five-Step Formula he calls "Little Boss"... for FREE!
No script, no problem.
Face "made for radio"?
No need to get on EITHER side of a camera!
That's right, if you're on a computer that can read this post, chances are that is all you need to FINISH your first attention-arresting, sale-getting, cash-collecting Video.
Ready to revolutionize and future-proof the way you market you products and services?
Learn how, right now, right here.
Related Online Video Marketing Articles...
Video Marketing Tips – A 5 Step Video Marketing Strategy ...
If you want to discover video marketing tips, then read this now. You will find tips on how to make money online with a proven video marketing strategy. So, let.
Online Video Views are Not “Lost” on ABC.com : How to Make Money ...
Online Video Views are Not “Lost” on ABC.com. February 9, 2010 · Print this article, Visited 24 times, 24 so far today. Last Tuesday, the season premiere of the hit television show "Lost" aired, and not only was it watched by over 12 ...
Related articles...
- Context is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online (techcrunch.com)
- Steve Garfield Shares His Secrets To Creating Online Video In His New Book "Get Seen" (laughingsquid.com)
- Create a Video for Business or Fun at animoto.com (techtalkformoms.com)
Friday, 5 February 2010
Telecommuting & Data Protection
Telecommuting, whether full or part-time, is becoming increasingly popular in the United States & Europe. According to a 2008 survey from the Society for Human Resource Management, 57% of HR professionals indicate that their organization offers some form of telecommuting. The potential rewards are many – from increased productivity and cost savings to happier employees and greater appeal among potential recruits.
However, despite the benefits, telecommuting ranks high on the list of data protection threats for organizations, particularly if there is no formal policy in place. The most common missteps include using unsecured networks, sharing company laptops or equipment with family members and friends, and failing to update software and install security patches, among others.
Below, I’ve included some important advice that every institution should know about telecommuting from ID theft expert Brian Lapidus, chief operating officer of Kroll’s Fraud Solutions, who has unique frontline experience helping today’s businesses safeguard against and respond to data breaches
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsThursday, 4 February 2010
Optimising your website/blog for the search engines - not!
Well I may have bitten off more than I can chew here. I've spent hours pondering how to present this post and give you some really useful stuff for optimising your website.
The final result? My best advice? Don't. Specifically, you don't.
I've spent years, literally, learning the fine art of SEO (search engine optimis(z)ation), if they had a degree in it (they probably do) I'd have a doctorate, and I wish I'd never started.
It's a bloody nightmare. The degree of accuracy required combined with the mind numbing tasks involved means it's a full time job, which means your real business suffers.
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsWednesday, 3 February 2010
Telecommuting? How to keep your benefits working from home
At last! You clever thing. You've landed that flexible job and you get to build your work around your life. But take care! This new position may be new for your employer as well and you don't want to blow any benefits working from home.
Below are a few tips to keep that flexibility a reality and your new lifestyle on an even keel:
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsTuesday, 26 January 2010
Is Your Business Idea A Good Idea?
This is the big one. This is the question that you just can't ignore if you're going to invest in your own business. Unfortunately, you can't answer it, no-one can.
I was watching a bit of TV last night and there were a couple of Irish entrepreneurs selling genuine Irish dirt, bits of earth, in a nice bag to the American market. They were selling tons of the stuff. Can you imagine going to the bank with that business plan? The manager would have to change his pants.
But however bizarre it sounds these guys are making it work. I've no clue what research they did, if any, they just had an idea and it turned out to be a pretty good one. So is your idea a good one?
The good news is that in today's world of blogs, twitter, facebook and bebo you can certainly get an idea of whether there's a market for your business idea. As I've mentioned before research is everything and nowadays it's very easy and cheap to do.
No.1 thing to do, start a blog. Make it look nice with some frilly bits and start to talk about stuff relevant to your market. Use various methods to spread that message around the web and see what happens. That's what we did at hmp. We wanted to know if there was a large enough market out there for us to create a specialised job board for people looking for flexibility. Turns out there are 1000's of you, so we did it.
Since then we've continued to post on the blog because as well as market research it's also a great customer service tool. There's no better way to get input and direction than from a direct connection with your readers and service users. We've got a whole raft of free online courses in the pipeline - why? Because our members asked for them.
Most of our members are 30+ ladies and gents with drive, imagination and one or two business ideas they want to try out. The problem is that everyone keeps telling them to build a website, set up a facebook page, run a twitter campaign, submit articles, write a viral ebook, look at PPC, distribute their RSS and create a buzz - but no-one has told them how. We listened, via the blog and social media, and now we're reacting to our markets needs.
In todays connected world you can increase the odds of business success by talking to your market and then build on any success by using the same tools to find out what that market needs and respond to that input. And best of all - it's free (or nearly). You no longer have to invest in a long term lease to test the water of potential markets, just send a tweet.
Related Business Idea Articles ...
TweetALondonCab – Taxis by Twitter | IDDICTIVE.COM | Innovative ...
Innovative business idea: TweetALondonCab allows twitter users to arrange a licensed black cab via their twitter accounts.
World's worst business ideas -- Selling serial killer memorabilia
World's worst business ideas -- Selling serial killer memorabilia. Tom Barlow · Tom Barlow RSS Feed Jan 25th 2010 at 1:00PM. More. Text SizeAAA. Filed under: Extracurriculars. It takes two people to execute a truly awful sale: a creepy ...
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsWake Up Call: Parents Walking Out Through Lack of Flexible Work
UK parents are leaving work due to the lack of flexible working opportunities available to them, according to a new survey for Family Friendly Working. The cost of childcare is also forcing parents to stay at home.
The survey reveals that just over a third (34.6%) of parents who had left work after having children had done so because of lack of flexible work opportunities. Three in 10 (30.7%) cite the cost of childcare as a key reason to quit.
The Employment Act 2002 introduced legislation designed to help working parents. Since April 2003 parents with young and disabled children have had the right to request flexible work. This right to request was extended in 2009 to anyone with parental responsibility for a child aged 16 or under or a disabled child under 18 who receives Disability Living Allowance. People can ask to:
- change the hours they work;
- change the times they work; or
- work from home (for all or part of the week).
Director of Family Friendly Working Antonia Chitty says, “This survey indicates that parents are not getting the flexible work that they need. More work is needed to see whether parents are unclear about their rights, whether bosses are saying no, or whether the flexible work available just isn’t flexible enough. The current provision of funding for 2.5-3hours pre school per day can be nigh on impossible to fit in with most employment: the Government needs to look at the way this is delivered and increase the flexibility of ways that parents can use the funding.”
Parents completing the survey commented:
“My boss was being very demanding, insisting I would get no special treatment and that I had to be in the office from at least 9am until 6pm. This was not an option with a three month old baby so I didn't return.”
“My daughter was about to start infant school. There was no way I could shorten my hours enough to be there for her before & after school (especially as she was only doing 5 morning a week initially, and I was then working 3 days a week).”
“Working and so many school holidays makes it difficult, especially as a single parent.”
Further results
The survey also found that around one in 10 parents (11.5%) are forced to quit because of lack of childcare. A similar proportion (10.7%) left work because having children changed their priorities.
Related Lack of Flexible Work Articles ...
Marriages With Working Women Shown to be Stabler, Happier
Instead, marriages don't have to rely on strict spheres for men and women - they can be more flexible, and women can be the primary breadwinners while men take over the domestic sphere, or both spouses can try to share both loads more ... I think it's all about financial stability and lack of good jobs. In the past, women sought financial stability through marriage because there were even fewer equal opportunity careers than there are now. It was either get married or be ...
Mundane Work & Inflexible Hours Make It Tough to Retain Nurses ...
“Flexible” work schedules — like eight 10-hour shifts in a two-week period — are also pretty limited. “Half of all nurse executives reported that the lack of alternate and flexible schedules at their [VA medical center] was one of the ...
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- Marriage not a choice for my mother (guardian.co.uk)
- Figures Look at Families in Recession (nytimes.com)
- Parenting - 10 Things That Will Improve Family Life (parenting-success.com)
Can't see the home business wood for the scamming trees
I have several 'google alerts' set up (if you don't know what these are...uh...google it) that keep me abreast of every aspect of what could be called 'the flexible world'. As part of that daily research I have an alert that brings me all the 'home business' news from around the world, from newspaper articles to blogs, and quite frankly I'm getting real tired of the crap that is tarnishing this growing corner of commerce.
You must experience the same. Every website and 'mom' blog is full of MLM, turnkey, don't have to work, retire on a beach, send the kids to Harvard business models that just 'can't lose'. They set you up with a ready to go website, that looks like the website they gave a 1000 other people, and tell you to put your paypal address in and wait for the currency flood. Listen to me! The only person making money is the guy/gal selling you this bullshit notion that an online business is easy money. I'm actually quite insulted.
I've been in both worlds, internet and real, as an entrepreneur and every business I've had runs on the same principles - make the best product you can, market it, sell it and try to get them to come back again with excellent customer service. You can't just set that on auto-pilot, in any medium.
If you want an online business the opportunities are endless and the market huge but don't expect it to be easy, and stay a million miles away from anyone that tells you it is. You have to work just as hard to keep the basic principles going every day as you would in a bricks and mortar enterprise. It's still a business, you have to treat it as such.
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsHR departments fail to bridge the gap between flexible working policy and practice
The majority of businesses claim to have a flexible working policy but 61% of employees never or hardly ever work from home.
According to a poll of 1,200 small and medium-sized businesses, over half (55%) do not see how remote working could increase employee productivity, for example, by allowing staff to utilise more of their day or by enabling greater opportunity to concentrate on thought-intensive tasks.
HR compared favourably with other sectors in the flexible working rankings illustrated below. But of the HR professionals interviewed, none works from home more than once per month even though one third stated they could do some of their work from home and a further third felt they could do most of their work remotely.
This highlights a considerable disconnect between working policy and practice, suggesting that something is holding staff back from working from home. Access to necessary technology and company documents were the top reasons cited in the survey.
Over 80% of employees felt they would be productive when working from home or remotely because they would be less distracted by meeting interruptions, allowing them to spend more time on particular projects.
One quarter (24%) of employees interviewed stated that they found themselves working from home more this year than they did last year and the survey shows if this trend were extrapolated, then in less than five years we could see 100% of employees of office based SMEs in the UK working from home at least part of the time
The survey also revealed that one third (33%) of employees said they could do all or most of their job from home.
The report from oneDrum.com, warns HR teams more flexible and remote working needs to be encouraged in order to foster employee productivity, creativity and innovation - key contributions to any business's competitive advantage.
Jasper Westaway, founder and CEO of oneDrum, said: "HR professionals need to iron out the disconnect and focus on streamlining processes to work staff smarter, not harder. By offering a truly flexible way of working, and leading by example, HR teams will be able to contribute to their organisation's competitive advantage.
"Working from home can enable staff to work more productively and efficiently, leaving room for employee creativity and strategic thinking - all essential catalysts for innovation. Where there is strength in strategy and innovation, there is healthy competitive advantage and a more motivated workforce."
Phil Flaxton, chief executive at Work Wise UK, added: "HR professionals looking to get the most from their workforce need to consider smarter and more flexible ways of working. There are a number of technologies that support a productive home-working environment, the benefits of which result in a more motivated and productive work force, with a healthier work-life balance."
Source: hrmagazine.co.uk
Related articles ...
- Small businesses still averse to "work from home" option for employees (newstatesman.com)
- Workers Demand Flexi-Time Not Bonuses (news.sky.com)
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Caregivers and Flexible Work
One of the groups of people often overlooked when shouting the benefits of flexible work, on both sides of the pond, are home/family carers. These selfless people help and care for old and sick loved-ones, at no cost to society, and often miss out on working a full time job.
Over 2.6 million caregivers will benefit from the right to request flexible working in the UK alone, with a further 50 million in the USA.
Rosalyn Carter said it best: “There are only four kinds of people in the world – those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers”.
With many caregivers looking after elderly relatives it meant a huge pool of talent, at its most productive phase of life, was lost to business because of its INflexibility.
With new legislation catching up to the needs of society this is another slice of the population, along with parents, who will be able to rejoin and contribute in the workplace outside of giving care.
Related Caregivers and Flexible Work Articles ...
The Anti-Mommy Bias - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com
Some policy analysts argue that mothers make a lifestyle choice, opting for easier, more flexible work over greater responsibility and higher pay. Others, like myself, argue that our economic system imposes unfair penalties on those who care for others. ... In May 2007, the Equal Opportunities Employment Commission issued official guidance on FRED, explaining circumstances under which discrimination against caregivers violates existing law. ...
2. Request for flexible work arrangements: An employee who has responsibility for a child under school age or someone under 18 with a disability has a right to request a change in working arrangements. ...
Related articles ...
- Last Call For Nominations For The Parentgiving.com First Annual Parentgivers Of The Year Awards (prweb.com)
- You: The hidden face of caring (guardian.co.uk)
- Dementia 'must rise in priority' (news.bbc.co.uk)
6 Steps To A Flexible Work Policy
The lightbulb has finally gone off in your head and you can now see clearly the benefits of flexible work, but what do you do about it? Here are six steps to help guide you through the successful implementation of a flexible work policy at your worksite.
Step 1: Review Organizational Policy
See if your organization has written policies on compressed workweeks or flextime. If so, read them. If there are no policies, recommend that the organization set up a cross-functional task force to develop them.
Step 2: Consider the Costs and Benefits
Can compressed workweeks and flextime help your department and organization improve results? Look for opportunities that will help you better serve your internal and external customers.
Step 3: Move from Idea to Plan
If you think compressed workweeks and/or flextime schedules make sense for your unit, you will need to figure out work schedules, appropriate models, participation, supervision and communication. You will find the points to cover as part of the Implementation Checklist.
Step 4: Move from Plan to Action
Now is the time to present your plan to staff, receive feedback and request employee proposals. Remember to include in your discussion non-participating employees who might be affected by these changes. Contact HR for guidance on tracking and reporting vacation, holidays, sick leave and personal days off. Also consult HR about documentation that may be required by law.
Step 5: Initiate a trial period
For the first few months, test the way your new schedules are working. To assure that compressed workweeks and flextime are successful, monitor the arrangements during the trail period, making adjustments as necessary.
Step 6: Evaluate and Improve
At the end of the trial period, evaluate the program in terms of your original objective for implementation. You may be measuring costs and benefits, customer satisfaction, employee effectiveness and/or impact on non-participating employees. Keep evaluating and fine-tuning.
These steps are based upon the recommendations at commuterchallenge.org
Related Flexible Work Policy Articles ...
Family-Friendly Work Policies Take a Hit - Motherlode Blog ...
Will the trend toward flexible working arrangements survive in the recession?
HR Daily Advisor - Practical Human Resource Tips, News & Advice ...
Is a Flexible Work Policy Part of a Wellness Program? Most experts agree that reducing stress is an important part of wellness, but they don't have much advice for how to accomplish it. Flexible work schedules will go a long way to ...
Flexible Workpaces: Productive and Popular
We've recently discussed how, with the potentially rebounding economy, workers are going to expect more from their employees in 2010. Implementing a flexible work environment (or improving your company's current telecommuting policy) is ...
Check out our blog about flexible working for parents
Monday, 18 January 2010
Telecommuting Saves The World
Been surfing the telecommuting web and came across Telecommuting Could Speed Economic Recovery by undress4success.com where it's written that Business Week reported that, based on interviews with a number of esteemed economists, the lack of worker mobility was significantly stifling our economic recovery.
It turns out that mobility in the workforce is essential to prosperity but with the growth of telecommuting that doesn't mean you have to physically move. We live in a world where a surgeon in Florida can perform an operation, via the web and a robot, on a crushed skull in Manila. Surely the wits of man, combined with telecommuting, can come up with a solution to worker mobility in a modern world; we just have to embrace the tech and promote the lifestyle.
Affordable internet critical to economic recovery
Consumer Groups on FCC Broadband Plan: Fast, Affordable Internet Critical to Economic Recovery, Growth FCC should declare broadband a telecommunications service eligible for universal service fund support ... Broadband allows communities to reap the benefits of advanced emergency services, higher-education distance learning, telemedicine, and telecommuting. Without access to broadband, low-income and rural communities are cut off from new models of economic expansion and ...
The Environmental Blog: Environmental Benefits of Telecommuting
Telecommuting and outsourcing are really starting to take off as the worldwide economic crisis is forcing employers to find new ways to reduce costs and increase employee productivity. ... And if your company is planning to take advantage of the telecommuting trend, make sure to first implement a disaster recovery plan that's able to handle it. About The Author: Storagepipe Solutions provides email archiving, online backup and server backup solutions that help companies ...
Related articles ...
- Spain mandates affordable broadband for all (news.cnet.com)
- Flextime: A Win-Win Green Solution? (treehugger.com)
Using RSS to Explode Your Business Leads – Part 2
Following on from Using RSS to Explode Your Business Leads – Part 1 the real fun begins when we introduce ping.fm into the mix:
If you need any further info or questions answered then please ask in the comments.
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Important Ways To Boost Business Sales Leads For Your Business ...
In order to survive in the business world, you have to make every effort to maximize your sales. A sales lead is the identity of a potential customer who has.
Quickest Way to Build Sales Leads
This episode is all about how to crank up your business opportunities the fastest, most efficient way.
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- Choosing the Right Sales Process Outsourcing (SPO) Company (prweb.com)
- Google Wave (silenciobarnes.com)
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Using RSS to Explode Your Business Leads - Part 1
Another quick video of a technique that has brought hmp many of its members - this one's twitterfeed and this is a brief explanation on how I am using RSS to explode business leads.
http://www.youtube.com/v/NIhYuLUiw1c&hl=en_GB&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b","allowfullscreen":"true"" src="http://blog.hiremyparents.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/img/trans.gif" height="344" alt="" width="425" />
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Using RSS Feeds to Increase Your Exposure on the Web
Most of the new social media sites are using RSS Feeds to distribute their content. Twitter runs on RSS feeds, Facebook and MySpace use feeds. You can add feeds to your news and tap in to the power of the social web. ...
RSS… And The 10 MOST Powerful Reasons WHY You Should Be Using It
In conclusion, publishers using RSS as a communication vehicle for their business are able to create keyword-rich, themed content, establishing Trust, Credibility, and ongoing communication with current and prospective subscribers ...
Check out our blog about flexible working for parents
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
A technique to spread your business message
If you spend hours writing a blog post, that will hopefully bring some traffic to your site and ramp up your authority, then it's a good idea to spread your business message as far as you can and get the maximum exposure. Below is a very quick technique I use to get my posts on 5 or 6 different sites straight away.
Related Spread Your Business Message Articles ...
Increasing the topic of your sites is what this tool aims for. This way you can spread your site to other people. There are lot mailing lists that can be purchased through the internet that are of good price. So choose your audience wisely! ... GoDaddy seems to be the leader in all of this. GoDaddy goes as far as helping you increase traffic to your site and with configuring and uploading your files. If the website package has all this, then go and start your business. ...
Moving Beyond Social Media to Market Your Blog
It's no longer uncommon to learn that someone or some business entity has a blog. Marketing around blogs has driven an entire web-based economy all its own, but for those running the blogs, new marketing tactics are always a challenge ... Your blog has an overarching theme. If you were to summarize your blog's theme, what would you say? This is a message that you can use to further spread your message, and establish your authority. Create a PowerPoint demonstration ...
... you provide and the guidance you give all fits with the overall story and message that your business or brand stands for. If you live your message, your customers, readers, etc. will believe your message and help spread your ideas. ...
Related articles ...
- 10 Post Ideas for Business Blogs Part II (dailyslackr.com)
- Blogging-creating your Social Media "hub" (techtalkformoms.com)
Why you'll never get 'that' flexible job on a job board
From the title you may suspect that I've shot myself in the foot here. Yes hmp has a job board but not the type I'm talking about.
I was reading Seth Godin's blog post Career fairs... and how they are the last resort for companies and job-seekers alike, and I realised that the giant job boards on the internet are just the same. A company needs to fill some drone position so they get HR to just throw up a description and chuck $400 at monster.com or careerbuilder.com. They don't have to put any effort in, as long as you can string a sentence together you'll do. Hell, all these big job boards even share the same database - stick the job on one it goes to the many.
If a company has a real 'career' opportunity it goes specific. It goes to job boards that specialize in certain skills or industries - that's where you get 'that' job. Better still companies are now finding employees on social sites such as facebook and LinkedIn, where they can find the person they need through relationships and referrals.
If you want to be truly happy in a job you're going to have to find it where they put the jobs you want - not where they put the jobs they want you to fill. (I made a tongue-twister)
Related Job Board Articles ...
Job Boards And Their New Role in Your “Social” Job Search | Brazen ...
I have friends who work at major online job board sites, but I've never been sold on them. Years ago I received a few interviews from job listings on Monster, but the positions were filled even before my interview. ...
Q: How well do job boards work in YOUR job search? The fact is many hiring managers and recruiters live on social networks… Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Monster.com, Inside Tech, and others… It all comes down to how 'in the loop' are ...
People@Work: Scams Hit Job Seekers When They're Most Vulnerable ...
Online job boards, such as CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com, are all too familiar with such scams and have dedicated pages on their sites that provide job seekers with tips on how to conduct safe online searches. ...
Related articles ...
- Using Social Networking Sites for Job Searching (timesunion.com)
- Using Twitter and Facebook to Find a Job (time.com)
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Home Business v's Home Job
You have to make a change - you know this. Kid number 4 has come along or the commute is killing you, whatever, you want to work from home but what the hell do you do about it.
There are 2 broad camps, as inferred by the title - start a home business or work from home on someone else's business.
Now for some of you the choice is simple, that little entrepreneur synap starts firing and you've been working for the 'man' for 20 years already - time to go-it alone. For others the thought of going out there without a safety net and a steady paycheck is a little too much to consider.
Personally I think there's a middle ground, the option I took when I first started working from home - do both.
Use resources such as the hmp job-board to take on part-time and freelance gigs consistent with your skills and related to the business you want to set up in the future. If you want to set up a pr/marketing firm then use these jobs to build your resume and the breadth of your skills. As you go on you should be building your website and blog (keep an eye out for our free course - coming soon) and adding authority content that engages and creates leads.
As your following and portfolio grows you can start to apply for jobs as a company with a provable history and demonstrable authority. You can raise your prices and point people to your, by now, impressive site which will not only help you convert leads but will actually capture them from around the web.
Now, I know all of this is easier said than done but you'll be amazed at how fast your website and reputation grows if you add a little content everyday to your site and do it in the right way. hmp only started it's job-board in October '09 and we have over 4000 members from all over the world - that's 3 months!
Taking the middle road of Home Business v's Home Job is like having 2 jobs but the security it gives you and the resume it builds will give you a stronger foundation for your future home business.
Related articles ...
- Home, Sweet Home Office (usnews.com)
- Harvard Business: Predictions for 2010: Five Changes in the Way We Work (blogs.hbr.org)
- A Home Based Business Entrepreneur Offers Tips On Fighting Back The Recession (PRWeb.com)
A Flexible Workplace is a Happier, Healthier Workplace
Annie Toro is the Associate Executive Director for Public Interest Government Relations, American Psychological Association. This blog originally appeared on The Huffington Post.
Years of psychological research provide a strong foundation for flexible work arrangements, demonstrating the benefit to employees’ physical and mental health, as well as their family life. To promote this knowledge, the American Psychological Association created an Office on Work, Stress and Health that promotes research, training, practice and policy addressing these matters, including:
a) Promoting understanding of work stress and its impact on the well-being and productivity of workers;
b) Exploring organizational and behavioral interventions to reduce stress, illness and injury in the workplace;
c) Studying the impact of changing work force demographics (e.g., aging workers, increasing proportions of ethnic and racial minorities and women) on health and safety in the workplace; and
d) Building collaborative partnerships among psychology, industry, labor and federal agencies to reduce stress and health and safety risks in the workplace.
For APA, issues impacting work, stress and health are of utmost priority. Our dedication to furthering initiatives that lead to a healthy workplace environment stems from our association’s mission to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives.
These issues are particularly important under the sustained pressures of global competition on the U.S. work force. Psychologists are uniquely trained to address the behavioral aspects of change faced by our work force.
Research provides us with essential information regarding changes in our society that speak to the critical need to prioritize workplace flexibility. However, public policy has not kept up with the realities of working families. Today’s families are more likely to include single parents, unmarried couples, same-sex couples — sometimes with children, and stepchildren.
One of the most striking changes in U.S. families in the past 30 years is the increasing number of working women and the rate of mothers who work, especially mothers of infants and young children. Recently, California first lady Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progress released a provocative report entitled “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything” on the status of women in the United States and the drastic changes that have taken place in our country as a result of women’s entrance into the work force. The study is aimed at inciting what it calls “a national conversation about what women’s economic power means for our way of life.”
Research tells us there is a positive connection between workplace flexibility and an individual’s work-life balance. For instance, employees who work in environments that provide flexible work hours also tend to experience fewer conflicts within their work, family and personal lives. However, when a workplace does not provide adequate flexibility, women are more likely than men to experience work-family conflicts and health-related distress, some studies show.
Another key factor is employee perception of workplace culture. Many employees do not use such policies, even when they are available, because they are concerned that taking advantage of parental leave or flexible work schedules, for example, may be perceived as a lack of job commitment and could negatively affect their career advancement. Thus, it is imperative that employers not only support the employees by promoting their company’s flexible schedule options, but also create and maintain a culture that encourages use of these policies.
Research shows that employers benefit from offering greater workplace flexibility. When employees receive the flexibility they need, there is less absenteeism and greater job satisfaction. Employees are more motivated to adopt healthier behaviors, sleep better and be involved in employer-promoted health education programs. Additionally, employers have lower health care utilization costs.
Given the interest in issues affecting working families demonstrated by the Obama administration through the development of initiatives such as the White House Middle Class Task Force and the first lady’s efforts to bring much-needed attention to issues involving work-family balance, we hope to see the development of sound federal policies and initiatives that will lead to positive outcomes for employees, employers, families and our country as a whole.
Related Flexible Workplace articles...
Nonprofit HR Conference: You can work in a flexible workplace
This flexible workplace requires a culture shift for many organizations. Organizations need to reassess how to keep employees engaged and how to help employees stay focused in their work. For some employees this means either working ...
Who needs a flexible workplace?
Really, Seriously, Once and for All, work +life fit, inc., makes a strong case that flexibility in the workplace is not solely a woman's issue. Men need it just as much and must be included in this conversation. ...
The advantages of having a flexible workplace – Times Online
Benefits of flexible working for all.
Related articles ...
- American Grow Less and Less Satisfied at Work (blogs.wsj.com)
- Employers recognized for creating psychologically healthy workplaces in times of economic distress (newswire.ca)
- U.S. job satisfaction hits 22-year low (money.cnn.com)
Telephone Interview Secrets
Telephone interviews are becoming increasingly popular as a means of narrowing down candidates for a more traditional face to face interview. In the ultra competitive society we now live, a job advertisement can attract hundreds of resumes from candidates with similar set of skills and backgrounds.
The recruitment process is all about finding the one perfect candidate among the basket full of candidates. The phone interview has become a popular, flexible, inexpensive and speedy way of finding that one person.
Preparing for a Phone Interview
Before you begin your phone interview make sure that you are confident in your understanding of the position you are applying for and the company you are applying with. Do extra homework on the company’s history and research recent company news. Preparation is the key and will make a great impression on your interviewers.
Prepare your Interview location. Make sure you’re in a comfortable place with no distractions. Keep your resume in clear view, have a pen and pad to take notes and a glass of water sitting close by. Minimize any outside distractions that could potentially take your mind off the interview (HOT TIP: Disable call waiting on your phone). Dress the part so you feel and sound professional. The more professional you feel the more professional you will come across on the telephone.
Most importantly – Practice Interviewing. Rehearse and Practice. There are many ways to help you prepare for the telephone interview. Have a friend/ family member conduct an interview. Ideally, rehearse with someone from the same industry. The best way to hear how you sound is to tape yourself. Remember the more preparation you put into the interview the better prepared you will be.
Preparation is the key! Write down answers to questions you believe are going to be asked. Have questions ready to go so when the interviewer says “Do you have any questions to ask us” you’re ready and prepared.
What to do during the phone interview:
- Remember to Smile. Experts say that smiling puts you in a better state of mind and will project a positive image to the listener
- Speak in a steady voice. Don’t rush what you’re trying to say. Ensure that you sound enthusiastic and passionate
- Don’t forget to breathe. It will help you stay calm and sound more relaxed
- LISTEN – Answer the questions which are being asked. Do not make the mistake of telling the interviewer what you want to tell them. Give them the answers to their questions.
- Keep a glass of water handy – Nothing is worse than having a dry mouth
- Address the interviewer in the appropriate way. Do not shorten people’s name. They are your potential employer not your “mate”
- Take your time – Don’t rush the interview. This is your time to shine. If your feeling nervous take a moment or two to collect your thoughts
- “Cheat Notes” Prepare beforehand with notes to help drive you through the interview. If the interview is going to be technical than have notes ready to prompt yourself if needed
- Don’t forget to ask questions
What NOT to do during the interview:
- Do not eat
- Do not chew gum
- Do not drink
- Don’t interrupt the interviewer
- Don’t answer with just a “yes” and “no”- elaborate your answers, provide examples if applicable
- Don’t be too Casual/informal
- Long winded answers to questions
The only way to master a phone interview is to practice, be professional, and show your passion for the job role. Remember you have made the phone interview stage so don’t blow your interview by not being ready.
Good luck!
Gavin Davis is the owner of RedStarResume.com
Related articles ...
- Better Talking Lets You Practice And Review for Interviews [Interview] (lifehacker.com)
- How To Ace a Telephone Interview and Get the Job (howcast.com)
- Thank You Letter After Interview (slideshare.net)
Win a Professional Resume & Cover Letter
Our friends at redstarresume.com have kindly offered to write a free professional resume and cover letter to the winner of our twitter based competition this month. I won't repeat the deal as you'll find it all on the hiremyparents contest page - so give it a go and thanks again to redstarresume.com
What is Residual Income?
A very quick post today because I was going to write about residual income and during my research I came across Tina Adams' blog. Residual Income: What It Is and How to Create It is a great blog post by Tina that gives details of what residual income is and her other blog posts go deeper into how to get it.
Residual Income has got a bit of a bad rap over recent years with certain unsavoury cabals of the internet world jumping on the band-wagon and using it to flog second rate products and multi-level marketing schemes, but the principle still holds water.
If you've found yourself trying to earn money from home or with a flexible job it can be very frustrating - the jobs don't come quick enough or your talents just don't match the skills required. Making a residual income online is really hard to set up but once done you can make it fully automated and then carry on finding a day job while the bills are getting paid.
Keep an eye out in the members hub for a deal we're currently working on, for our members, that should make creating a residual income online a great deal easier and less tech orientated. In the meantime, have any hmp members had any success stories recently?
Related Residual Income Articles...
None - they were all snake-oil salesman. Be very wary.
Related articles ...
- 5 Keys to Build Residual Income With Networking Marketing (tokitover.com)
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Exclusive Business Opportunity At hiremyparents.com
hiremyparents is now advertising positions on it's job board for eCommerce Advisors for winweb.com, an international software provider for small and SOHO businesses. This is a great opportunity to start your own business with support from a large organisation - current positions are for the UK only but USA positions will arrive soon on hiremyparents. Get your free membership to hiremyparents now for access to these rare and exclusive opportunities.
Details of the eCommerce Advisor position are on our Job Board as well as the geographical positions available.
Related Articles...
Small Business Opportunity: WinWeb eCommerce Advisor - WinWeb are committed to developing a national network of eCommerce Advisors to support small and SOHO Businesses in their local area.
Check out our blog about flexible working for parentsWednesday, 6 January 2010
Winter weather promoting flexible working arrangements
Yes - once again the blue moon has risen and the UK has been brought to a halt by a bit of snow. Schools have closed and parents everywhere have to stay at home and send those 'sorry I've got children' emails to their boss. By the way, get it while you can - I'm writing this post and its snowball time for me.
In turn those bosses and business owners are thinking - 'if only he/she had access to the database they could get those reports done at home' or 'if I had given them all internal skype numbers we could still have that meeting'. However, it will only be a day lost and we can all catch up tomorrow so putting all that in place will be just too much hassle.
What business doesn't understand is that the level of tech in our private lives is often far more advanced than at work. Skype has over 20 million people signed in at any time with over 500 million registered users, the vast majority via broadband.
All that is needed is for the flexible work arrangements to be put in place and the vast amount of employees could work just as well from home as in the office. Give them a secure access to the database, a webcam and microphone and you can say goodbye to the rent and heating bills at the office.
I should stop there but want to add one more rant. If your company operates from 9-5 ask your staff if they wouldn't mind starting at 8.30 for the same money but they could work from home. No commute, no petrol costs, no expensive lunch - no brainer.
On the downside, with everyone at home my broadband is a disaster.
UK winter weather woes: