Saturday, 28 March 2009

Flexible Working For 4.5 million

More than 10 million people will have the right to request flexible working from April 6th and government support is helping businesses get ready for the change.

Six million parents and carers already have the right to request flexible working from their employers, with another 4.5 million now gaining the right with its extension to parents of children aged 16 and under.

UK government Employment Relations Minister Pat McFadden said, "This is about balancing work and family life. Both workers and employers have felt the benefits of flexible working since we first introduced the right to request.

"Fewer mothers change jobs when they return to work meaning greater continuity for businesses and more employees have been able to work hours which help them cope with parental responsibilities.

"Firms can still say no if they have legitimate business concerns, but more than 95% of all requests for flexible working from working parents and carers are now accepted, as employers recognise the benefits more and more.

"Parenting doesn't end as children get older. Extending the right to request will help more parents get the flexibility they need. The business benefits of flexible working are well documented and this remains the case in tougher economic times."

All carers and parents of children aged up to six, or children with disabilities aged up to 18, already have the right to request flexible working, but an independent review by Imelda Walsh last year recommended that the right to request should be extended to parents of children aged up to 16.

Flexible working embraces a wide variety of working practices, including compressed hours, working from home, or any pattern of hours other than the standard one in an organisation. Benefits of flexible working to business include increased productivity and recruitment savings.

The government is boosting the free guidance and tools available to help businesses deal with flexible working requests. - flexible working for UK parents and outsourced professionals for UK companies

Posted via web from hiremyparents posterous

Freelancers - Tips For Getting Paid

Sole proprietors and freelancers don’t like talking about money but need to develop ways to do it. The incidence of late payment has increased as the economy has worsened and the self-employed need to protect their business interests.

1. Make sure clients understand payment terms before the project starts

Clients may not be as focused on the payment terms as the service provider. Making sure that clients are clear about the terms by talking them through up front - including discussion about exactly what is covered and when payment will be expected - sets the project up for success. Assuming the client understands everything without discussion may result in delay or other nasty surprises and being clear about money is easier at the start of a project than half way through.

2. Insist on advance deposits or retainers

Taking an advance deposit or retainer payment against a certain number of hours has two benefits. Firstly, it ensures that the client is serious about committing to the work at this time. Secondly, if the project goes south the freelancer or sole proprietor is at least covered for the initial portion of work completed. Ideally payment terms should be structured to allow for interim payments at agreed milestones during the project. If the interim invoice is not paid, the service provider can stop work on the project and protect herself that way.

3. Call clients a day or so before payment is due

Sometimes people get busy or disorganized. Calling up a client with a friendly reminder that the invoice due date is approaching can be an effective way to prompt them to action.

4. Follow up quickly on late payment

If an invoice goes unpaid,following up quickly is the best approach. The initial follow up should assume that there is some minor delay, forgetfulness or process issue at the client’s end. Further follow ups should take a stronger line.

5. Offer options to co-operative clients

The economy is affecting everyone. Sometimes clients set out in good faith but find themselves in more difficult cash flow circumstances than they expected. A payment plan, where the invoice is broken down into smaller monthly payments, for instance, may be a good option for clients in this situation . This makes the freelancer look professional and problem-solving, helps out clients who appreciate working with providers who show willing to be flexible and ensures that the freelancer sees payment in some form.

As these tips demonstrate, the most important thing for freelancers, the self-employed and small businesses is to make it as easy as possible for clients to do what you need them to do by being clear and direct.

Posted via web from hiremyparents posterous

Friday, 20 March 2009

Try google'ing 'work from home'

What you get back isn't work. It's hawkers desperately trying to sell you their latest way of making you rich. Cold-calling for commission, flogging perfume door to door, sitting by a phone all day as a 'virtual assistant'. They're not jobs, they're ideal ways of putting you into a coma as your life slowly slides by.

If you have skills find a job or a project suited to those skills. Don't sell your soul to something you have absolutely no interest in just to satisfy that need to spend more time at home for kids or lifestyle.

Do what you do but do it from home - - flexible working for UK parents and outsourced professionals for UK companies

Posted via web from hiremyparents posterous

Thursday, 19 March 2009

A Brief History Of Outsourcing

Since the Industrial Revolution, companies have grappled with how they can exploit their competitive advantage to increase their markets and their profits. The model for most of the 20th century was a large integrated company that can “own, manage, and directly control” its assets. In the 1950s and 1960s, the rallying cry was diversification to broaden corporate bases and take advantage of economies of scale. By diversifying, companies expected to protect profits, even though expansion required multiple layers of management. Subsequently, organizations attempting to compete globally in the 1970s and 1980s were handicapped by a lack of agility that resulted from bloated management structures. To increase their flexibility and creativity, many large companies developed a new strategy of focusing on their core business, which required identifying critical processes and deciding which could be outsourced.

Initial stages of evolution

Outsourcing was not formally identified as a business strategy until 1989. However, most organizations were not totally self-sufficient; they outsourced those functions for which they had no competency internally. Publishers, for example, have often purchased composition, printing, and fulfillment services. The use of external suppliers for these essential but ancillary services might be termed the baseline stage in the evolution of outsourcing. Outsourcing support services is the next stage. In the 1990s, as organizations began to focus more on cost-saving measures, they started to outsource those functions necessary to run a company but not related specifically to the core business. Managers contracted with emerging service companies to deliver accounting, human resources, data processing, internal mail distribution, security, plant maintenance, and the like as a matter of “good housekeeping”. Outsourcing components to affect cost savings in key functions is yet another stage as managers seek to improve their finances.

Strategic partnerships

The current stage in the evolution of outsourcing is the development of strategic partnerships. Until recently it had been axiomatic that no organization would outsource core competencies, those functions that give the company a strategic advantage or make it unique. Often a core competency is also defined as any function that gets close to customers. In the 1990s, outsourcing some core functions may be good strategy, not anathema. For example, some organizations outsource customer service, precisely because it is so important.

Eastman Kodak’s decision to outsource the information technology systems that undergird its business was considered revolutionary in 1989, but it was actually the result of rethinking what their business was about. They were quickly followed by dozens of major corporations whose managers had determined it was not necessary to own the technology to get access to information they needed. The focus today is less on ownership and more on developing strategic partnerships to bring about enhanced results. Consequently, organizations are likely to select outsourcing more on the basis of who can deliver more effective results for a specific function than on whether the function is core or commodity.

What is outsourcing

Outsourcing can be defined as “the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources”. Sometimes known also as “facilities management”, outsourcing is a strategy by which an organization contracts out major functions to specialized and efficient service providers, who become valued business partners. Companies have always hired contractors for particular types of work, or to level-off peaks and troughs in their workload, and have formed long-term relationships with firms whose capabilities complement or supplement their own. However, the difference between simply supplementing resources by “subcontracting” and actual outsourcing, is that the latter involves substantial restructuring of particular business activities including, often, the transfer of staff from a host company to a specialist, usually smaller, company with the required core competencies.

Why do companies outsource

Here are some common reasons:


      Reduce and control operating costs

      Improve host company focus

      Gain access to world-class capabilities

      Free internal resources for other purposes

      A function is time-consuming to manage or is out of control

      Insufficient resources are available internally

      Share risks with a partner company

In earlier periods, cost or headcount reduction were the most common reasons to outsource. In today's world the drivers are often more strategic, and focus on carrying out core value-adding activities in-house where an organization can best utilize its own core competencies.

Main factors influencing successful outsourcing

The critical areas for a successful outsourcing program as identified are:


      Understanding company goals and objectives

      A strategic vision and plan

      Selecting the right vendor

      Ongoing management of the relationships

      A properly structured contract

      Open communication with affected individual/groups

      Senior executive support and involvement

      Careful attention to personnel issues

      Short-term financial justification

Outsourcing process

There are four main aspects to a typical outsourcing program:


      Program Initiation

      Service Implementation

      Final Agreement

      Program closure

Program Initiation

At the start of any outsourcing program, there are a variety of ideas and opinions about the purpose and scope of the program, what the final result of the program will be, and how the program will be carried out. The Program Initiation Stage is concerned with taking these ideas and intentions and documenting them to form the basis of a draft contract

Service Implementation

Service Implementation covers the activities required to take these ideas and intentions and develop them into a formal, planned outsourcing program and to make the transition to the outsourced service. Specifically these activities are:


      Defining the transition project

      Transferring staff

      Defining the Service Level Agreement (SLA)

      Defining service reporting

      Implementing and handing over the service

      Implementing service management procedures

During the hand–over phase it is imperative that continuity of service is maintained at all times, that there is no reduction in the quality of the delivery and that timescales and deadlines are not compromised.

Final Agreement

The draft contract produced at the Initiation stage is generally amended during negotiations and the final Contract is produced on completion of the negotiation cycle.

Program Closure

In order to gain maximum benefit, the program should go through a formal close down. There is no point in continuing to argue lost causes once irrevocable decisions have been taken. Staff and companies alike need to accept the new situation and move forward. However, there will be a lot of information generated during the life of the program, and this will have been stored with varying degrees of formality by the team members. This information needs to be formally filed away for future reference.

How to decide whether to outsource

There are no simple criteria to conduct an outsourcing versus in-house analysis. The benefits associated with outsourcing are numerous, and one should consider each project on its individual merits. Ongoing operational costs that may be avoided by outsourcing are also a consideration. In a nut shell, outsourcing allows organizations to be more efficient, flexible, and effective, while often reducing costs.

Some of the top advantages brought by outsourcing include the following:


      Staffing flexibility

      Acceleration of projects and quicker time to market

      High caliber professionals that hit the ground running

      Ability to tap into best practices

      Knowledge transfer to permanent staff

      Cost-effective and predictable expenditures

      Access to the flexibility and creativity of experienced problem solvers

      Resource and core competency focus

I came across a very interesting piece written by Dr. Rob Handfield, SCRC which gives us a bit of the history of outsouring

Since the Industrial Revolution, companies have grappled with how they can exploit their competitive advantage to increase their markets and their profits. The model for most of the 20th century was a large integrated company that can “own, manage, and directly control” its assets. In the 1950s and 1960s, the rallying cry was diversification to broaden corporate bases and take advantage of economies of scale. By diversifying, companies expected to protect profits, even though expansion required multiple layers of management. Subsequently, organizations attempting to compete globally in the 1970s and 1980s were handicapped by a lack of agility that resulted from bloated management structures. To increase their flexibility and creativity, many large companies developed a new strategy of focusing on their core business, which required identifying critical processes and deciding which could be outsourced.

Initial stages of evolution

Outsourcing was not formally identified as a business strategy until 1989. However, most organizations were not totally self-sufficient; they outsourced those functions for which they had no competency internally. Publishers, for example, have often purchased composition, printing, and fulfillment services. The use of external suppliers for these essential but ancillary services might be termed the baseline stage in the evolution of outsourcing. Outsourcing support services is the next stage. In the 1990s, as organizations began to focus more on cost-saving measures, they started to outsource those functions necessary to run a company but not related specifically to the core business. Managers contracted with emerging service companies to deliver accounting, human resources, data processing, internal mail distribution, security, plant maintenance, and the like as a matter of “good housekeeping”. Outsourcing components to affect cost savings in key functions is yet another stage as managers seek to improve their finances.

Strategic partnerships

The current stage in the evolution of outsourcing is the development of strategic partnerships. Until recently it had been axiomatic that no organization would outsource core competencies, those functions that give the company a strategic advantage or make it unique. Often a core competency is also defined as any function that gets close to customers. In the 1990s, outsourcing some core functions may be good strategy, not anathema. For example, some organizations outsource customer service, precisely because it is so important.

Eastman Kodak’s decision to outsource the information technology systems that undergird its business was considered revolutionary in 1989, but it was actually the result of rethinking what their business was about. They were quickly followed by dozens of major corporations whose managers had determined it was not necessary to own the technology to get access to information they needed. The focus today is less on ownership and more on developing strategic partnerships to bring about enhanced results. Consequently, organizations are likely to select outsourcing more on the basis of who can deliver more effective results for a specific function than on whether the function is core or commodity.

What is outsourcing

Outsourcing can be defined as “the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources”. Sometimes known also as “facilities management”, outsourcing is a strategy by which an organization contracts out major functions to specialized and efficient service providers, who become valued business partners. Companies have always hired contractors for particular types of work, or to level-off peaks and troughs in their workload, and have formed long-term relationships with firms whose capabilities complement or supplement their own. However, the difference between simply supplementing resources by “subcontracting” and actual outsourcing, is that the latter involves substantial restructuring of particular business activities including, often, the transfer of staff from a host company to a specialist, usually smaller, company with the required core competencies.

Why do companies outsource

Here are some common reasons:


      Reduce and control operating costs

      Improve host company focus

      Gain access to world-class capabilities

      Free internal resources for other purposes

      A function is time-consuming to manage or is out of control

      Insufficient resources are available internally

      Share risks with a partner company

In earlier periods, cost or headcount reduction were the most common reasons to outsource. In today's world the drivers are often more strategic, and focus on carrying out core value-adding activities in-house where an organization can best utilize its own core competencies.

Main factors influencing successful outsourcing

The critical areas for a successful outsourcing program as identified are:


      Understanding company goals and objectives

      A strategic vision and plan

      Selecting the right vendor

      Ongoing management of the relationships

      A properly structured contract

      Open communication with affected individual/groups

      Senior executive support and involvement

      Careful attention to personnel issues

      Short-term financial justification

Outsourcing process

There are four main aspects to a typical outsourcing program:


      Program Initiation

      Service Implementation

      Final Agreement

      Program closure

Program Initiation

At the start of any outsourcing program, there are a variety of ideas and opinions about the purpose and scope of the program, what the final result of the program will be, and how the program will be carried out. The Program Initiation Stage is concerned with taking these ideas and intentions and documenting them to form the basis of a draft contract

Service Implementation

Service Implementation covers the activities required to take these ideas and intentions and develop them into a formal, planned outsourcing program and to make the transition to the outsourced service. Specifically these activities are:


      Defining the transition project

      Transferring staff

      Defining the Service Level Agreement (SLA)

      Defining service reporting

      Implementing and handing over the service

      Implementing service management procedures

During the hand–over phase it is imperative that continuity of service is maintained at all times, that there is no reduction in the quality of the delivery and that timescales and deadlines are not compromised.

Final Agreement

The draft contract produced at the Initiation stage is generally amended during negotiations and the final Contract is produced on completion of the negotiation cycle.

Program Closure

In order to gain maximum benefit, the program should go through a formal close down. There is no point in continuing to argue lost causes once irrevocable decisions have been taken. Staff and companies alike need to accept the new situation and move forward. However, there will be a lot of information generated during the life of the program, and this will have been stored with varying degrees of formality by the team members. This information needs to be formally filed away for future reference.

How to decide whether to outsource

There are no simple criteria to conduct an outsourcing versus in-house analysis. The benefits associated with outsourcing are numerous, and one should consider each project on its individual merits. Ongoing operational costs that may be avoided by outsourcing are also a consideration. In a nut shell, outsourcing allows organizations to be more efficient, flexible, and effective, while often reducing costs.

Some of the top advantages brought by outsourcing include the following:


      Staffing flexibility

      Acceleration of projects and quicker time to market

      High caliber professionals that hit the ground running

      Ability to tap into best practices

      Knowledge transfer to permanent staff

      Cost-effective and predictable expenditures

      Access to the flexibility and creativity of experienced problem solvers

      Resource and core competency focus

I came across a very interesting piece written by Dr. Rob Handfield, SCRC which gives us a bit of the history of outsouring

Since the Industrial Revolution, companies have grappled with how they can exploit their competitive advantage to increase their markets and their profits. The model for most of the 20th century was a large integrated company that can “own, manage, and directly control” its assets. In the 1950s and 1960s, the rallying cry was diversification to broaden corporate bases and take advantage of economies of scale. By diversifying, companies expected to protect profits, even though expansion required multiple layers of management. Subsequently, organizations attempting to compete globally in the 1970s and 1980s were handicapped by a lack of agility that resulted from bloated management structures. To increase their flexibility and creativity, many large companies developed a new strategy of focusing on their core business, which required identifying critical processes and deciding which could be outsourced.

Initial stages of evolution

Outsourcing was not formally identified as a business strategy until 1989. However, most organizations were not totally self-sufficient; they outsourced those functions for which they had no competency internally. Publishers, for example, have often purchased composition, printing, and fulfillment services. The use of external suppliers for these essential but ancillary services might be termed the baseline stage in the evolution of outsourcing. Outsourcing support services is the next stage. In the 1990s, as organizations began to focus more on cost-saving measures, they started to outsource those functions necessary to run a company but not related specifically to the core business. Managers contracted with emerging service companies to deliver accounting, human resources, data processing, internal mail distribution, security, plant maintenance, and the like as a matter of “good housekeeping”. Outsourcing components to affect cost savings in key functions is yet another stage as managers seek to improve their finances.

Strategic partnerships

The current stage in the evolution of outsourcing is the development of strategic partnerships. Until recently it had been axiomatic that no organization would outsource core competencies, those functions that give the company a strategic advantage or make it unique. Often a core competency is also defined as any function that gets close to customers. In the 1990s, outsourcing some core functions may be good strategy, not anathema. For example, some organizations outsource customer service, precisely because it is so important.

Eastman Kodak’s decision to outsource the information technology systems that undergird its business was considered revolutionary in 1989, but it was actually the result of rethinking what their business was about. They were quickly followed by dozens of major corporations whose managers had determined it was not necessary to own the technology to get access to information they needed. The focus today is less on ownership and more on developing strategic partnerships to bring about enhanced results. Consequently, organizations are likely to select outsourcing more on the basis of who can deliver more effective results for a specific function than on whether the function is core or commodity.

What is outsourcing

Outsourcing can be defined as “the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources”. Sometimes known also as “facilities management”, outsourcing is a strategy by which an organization contracts out major functions to specialized and efficient service providers, who become valued business partners. Companies have always hired contractors for particular types of work, or to level-off peaks and troughs in their workload, and have formed long-term relationships with firms whose capabilities complement or supplement their own. However, the difference between simply supplementing resources by “subcontracting” and actual outsourcing, is that the latter involves substantial restructuring of particular business activities including, often, the transfer of staff from a host company to a specialist, usually smaller, company with the required core competencies.

Why do companies outsource

Here are some common reasons:


      Reduce and control operating costs

      Improve host company focus

      Gain access to world-class capabilities

      Free internal resources for other purposes

      A function is time-consuming to manage or is out of control

      Insufficient resources are available internally

      Share risks with a partner company

In earlier periods, cost or headcount reduction were the most common reasons to outsource. In today's world the drivers are often more strategic, and focus on carrying out core value-adding activities in-house where an organization can best utilize its own core competencies.

Main factors influencing successful outsourcing

The critical areas for a successful outsourcing program as identified are:


      Understanding company goals and objectives

      A strategic vision and plan

      Selecting the right vendor

      Ongoing management of the relationships

      A properly structured contract

      Open communication with affected individual/groups

      Senior executive support and involvement

      Careful attention to personnel issues

      Short-term financial justification

Outsourcing process

There are four main aspects to a typical outsourcing program:


      Program Initiation

      Service Implementation

      Final Agreement

      Program closure

Program Initiation

At the start of any outsourcing program, there are a variety of ideas and opinions about the purpose and scope of the program, what the final result of the program will be, and how the program will be carried out. The Program Initiation Stage is concerned with taking these ideas and intentions and documenting them to form the basis of a draft contract

Service Implementation

Service Implementation covers the activities required to take these ideas and intentions and develop them into a formal, planned outsourcing program and to make the transition to the outsourced service. Specifically these activities are:


      Defining the transition project

      Transferring staff

      Defining the Service Level Agreement (SLA)

      Defining service reporting

      Implementing and handing over the service

      Implementing service management procedures

During the hand–over phase it is imperative that continuity of service is maintained at all times, that there is no reduction in the quality of the delivery and that timescales and deadlines are not compromised.

Final Agreement

The draft contract produced at the Initiation stage is generally amended during negotiations and the final Contract is produced on completion of the negotiation cycle.

Program Closure

In order to gain maximum benefit, the program should go through a formal close down. There is no point in continuing to argue lost causes once irrevocable decisions have been taken. Staff and companies alike need to accept the new situation and move forward. However, there will be a lot of information generated during the life of the program, and this will have been stored with varying degrees of formality by the team members. This information needs to be formally filed away for future reference.

How to decide whether to outsource

There are no simple criteria to conduct an outsourcing versus in-house analysis. The benefits associated with outsourcing are numerous, and one should consider each project on its individual merits. Ongoing operational costs that may be avoided by outsourcing are also a consideration. In a nut shell, outsourcing allows organizations to be more efficient, flexible, and effective, while often reducing costs.

Some of the top advantages brought by outsourcing include the following:


      Staffing flexibility

      Acceleration of projects and quicker time to market

      High caliber professionals that hit the ground running

      Ability to tap into best practices

      Knowledge transfer to permanent staff

      Cost-effective and predictable expenditures

      Access to the flexibility and creativity of experienced problem solvers

      Resource and core competency focus

by Dr Rob Hanfield

One thing that there is no shortage of is advice on how to successfully outsource work. There are plenty of ‘how to’ guides and organisations that can help you achieve your aim. Articles, like the one above, from experts in the field, are invaluable. Outsourcing need not be a frightening prospect, and could well be the differnce between success and failure to your business in these difficult times!

Posted via web from hiremyparents posterous

This is our latest how-to video

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